giving in to my muses

>> Thursday, December 17, 2009

So I don't claim to be a photographer. I've never taken a class or had any training...but every now and again I get these inspirations...muses if you will ;-) and I feel like I HAVE to follow up on them and capture it before the moment goes away.

Exhibit A

the other day in the library I saw this "graffiti" written next to my carrel that said "just a good girl" so I thought it'd make a cool shot. I grabbed a chick from another desk staged a quick photo-shoot and 5 mins later voila! We have the image you see to the left.

Exhibit B

just walking along on my way to class...running a bit late actually, I see this doll lying on the ground, and I had to stop to take this photo. It was so cute and random. Absolutely perfect, for a sunny day in November that was a bit better than it had to be. :-)

and lastly...

Exhibit C ...leaves

and leaves

and leaves

Again, a situation where I saw it and just felt the need to take it. All photos are taken with my camera phone btw...or my "palm pre" to be exact :D Thoughts?? Comments??


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