i need this...

>> Thursday, December 17, 2009

So it seems that there's so much going on in life these days and I have to document it! I facebook and twitter, but its not the same. I've been seeking a venue that will value what I have to say beyond 140 characters...

A place for me to vent and expand on all the things that are of significance in the here and now. A place for me to show the things that make make me...the things that make my spirit tangible, make my presence felt. So...I'm sure this will be of value to me, but I hope some readers might get something out of it too. :D

And on that note...here's a quote

"There is always something to do. There are hungry people to feed, naked people to clothe, sick people to comfort and make well. And while I don't expect you to save the world I do think it's not asking too much for you to love those with whom you sleep, share the happiness of those whom you call friend, engage those among you who are visionary and remove from your live those who offer you depression, despair and disrespect." - Nikki Giovanni

Wake up!! take a lesson from Spike Lee's School Daze


K-Zoo CES Reflections December 17, 2009 at 5:35 PM  

Gina as always I love the insight you have to offer..you freakily straddle a spiritual plane that I have yet to bend my mind around. Keep on doing what you do boo! Imma be over here checking you out and showing you love!


mindVspirit December 18, 2009 at 9:42 AM  

:-) Ah Mo... "freakily straddle a spiritual plane that I have yet to bend my mind around"...I'm honored! Thanks for the support, it's much appreciated. I can't wait til I get to down to the good stuff :D keep reading! - Gina

Anonymous,  January 14, 2010 at 4:00 PM  


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