thinking of you....whoever you may be

>> Saturday, March 6, 2010

"thinking of you" .... "and all the things you wanted me to be"

This makes me think of my past self. Lil' gina, back in the day, the cute chick with the glasses "sexy slim", who had it all figured out. (and written down)

Part of me just wants love, an amazing love with super bells and whistles that make all the sounds I want to hear at frequencies that only I accept. As if he weren't truly heard before his sounds graced my ears. And I, never truly listened before embracing his song.

That's what I'd like, harmony. I'm so happy that I've finally pushed away enough bad notes to know what clarity sounds like. To remember what harmony is, and to be able to feel it. It's such a blessing, God has brought me so far away from some of the proverbial wastelands of brokenhearted nomadic siamese twins separated at birth looking for their other halves in vain. those were bad looks. I've discovered that love, is something so warm, like the sun...that if you look directly into its path, you will go blind. It's better just to live life, feeling the warmth as you go, so once you arrive in a comfortable spot, you'll still be able to open your eyes and behold life's prize.

But you know, with all the sad, discouraged ex-lovers out there, I'm happy that I'm kicking back being cheerful knowing that my what if's come with smiles and not a bundle of fear.


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