What's next?

>> Thursday, June 24, 2010

So happy to be able to blogging this from my house! HOME! It feels good to back in South Carolina w/my fam. I know I've been madd MIA as of late, and although I had intentions of blogging all through my travels in Senegal, Chile, and Peru it just didn't happen lol.

I've found that I'm the type of person that doesn't take a lot of pictures, blog, or capture the moments in general...I'm better at just enjoying them...living them out and being in the moment! I could use this post to summarize the last couple of months, but I'd rather move forward like my boy here Mali Music...

On that note, focusing on the here and now...I'm currently using this bible reading method that has been proving to be really fruitful, and its available here! Its basically a pdf of 10 bookmarks that you print out, place in your bible, and then read one chapter of the bible from each list per day and continue doing this daily...sound simple right? It is...but its been revolutionary in the way its been able to increase the Word's approachability for me as well as my understanding. It's more dynamic now, because I'm reading old and new testament concurrently and its allowing me to see the big picture.

So its summer time here in South Carolina, and I'm browsing for a job but I think first I'll be launching this ebay business which you will probably be hearing more about fairly soon. I'm taking this time to simmer so to speak in where I need to be in the upcoming year because this time next year I will be OUT! As in graduated (Lord willing) from Williams College and the question is "What's Next?"

I think that maybe I should go about answering that question by first thinking about "what's now?" what are my current roles, how am I fulfilling them, what needs improvement, and then try to better myself now while accompanying this with much planning and prayer!

But I must say...I'm soo blessed! For one family is great, last night some of the cousins and I hit up Toy Story 3 and call me a girly girl but I def almost cried at the beginning and end. IT was soo EMOTIONAL lol. But I will say it was a nice movie. I def recommend it as something to get u out of the house for a bit and away from the more serious world we live in to check out what some toys are thinking about.

Another thing on the horizon is the Legacy Conference in Chicago which I REALLY want to attend, but there needs to be a financial blessing pop up for that one to occur, but we shall see... again prayer :-) This is a promo video for it, which features one of my favorite tracks by Shai Linne "Solus Christus" check it...

If you're feeling that track you can buy it here

Remember to support your Christian artists and don't take them for granted...if you feel it buy their music!

And on that note I'm out...


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